Allgemeine Informationen
Set Identifikator 33
Ungewöhnlich Pokémon
Illustriert von Shin-ichi Yoshida
Magcargo Informationen
Nationaler Pokédex Nr. 219
80 HP
Feuer Typ Karte
Rang 1 Pokémon
Magcargo Fähigkeit
Magma Pool
Pokemon Power: If Magcargo is your Active Pokémon and moves to the Bench, remove 1 Energy card attached to Magcargo, if any, and attach it to the new Active Pokémon. (You can´t choose Energy card that you used to pay the Retreat Cost.)
Magcargo Angriffe
Lava Flow - 40+
You may discard any number of Energy cards attached to Magcargo when you use this attack. If you do, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage for each Energy card you discarded in this way.